I squinted through the sun across the street and saw Michael Cera (in the title role) in a fake phone booth in front of Insomnia. I took a couple photos and contemplated what my next move should be.

I figured I'd be in the way and look like a giant loser if I tried to loiter near the set, so I decided to take a seat at Lettieri, as planned, and stare from there. Armed with a book (to make myself look like I had something better to do), camera, iPod, and Americano (which, by the way, tasted like gross freeze dried Nescafe. I need to find a new cafe), I sat at a booth and stared out the window hoping to catch a better glimpse of Michael.
So before I continue rambling, who is this Scott Pilgrim?
I was introduced to this Canadian graphic novel when I visited my friend J in Calgary in the summer of '07. J is a big comic book nerd, and even dragged us along to various comic book stores while we were on a time-limited vacation so he could find the latest issue of whatever it was he was into at the time. I'd never read a graphic novel and the only comics I read were Archie and Calvin and Hobbes. He told me I would really dig this one because it's cute and witty, and he was right! The series is about Scott Pilgrim, a 23 year old boy who lives in Toronto and plays in a band called Sex Bob-Omb, has a 17 year old Chinese girlfriend named Knives Chau, shares a bed with a cool gay roommate, and falls in love with a roller blading Amazon.com courier named Ramona Flowers, who takes a shortcut through his dreams. However, in order to get with Ramona, he must defeat her 7 evil ex-boyfriends in epic battles. How could you not love a story like that? Plus, the artist, Bryan Lee O'Malley, includes detailed sketches of lots of spots all around Toronto including Casa Loma, Sonic Boom, Lee's Palace, and the Bathurst/Bloor intersection.
So when I first came across the character Knives Chau, I said, "That's the perfect part for me! I can do whiny high school Asian kid!
I want this part when it gets made into a movie! I must have it!" I really did say that. But dammit they cast the movie without doing a proper casting call that made sure girls like me knew about it. [edit: the girl in the photo is so not Knives, this is Knives]
There are 5 books, and I think they are planning to make 6. I have only actually read 2 of them because they are not available at my usual book stores. I know they're available at Pages on Queen Street, so every time I go there I try to pick one up (I guess I've only been there twice since '07)(I just received word that they are also available at Suspect Video on Markham St., so I'm gonna check that out). The problem with graphic novels is that there is so little text, it takes about 10 minutes to finish a book. Then you can read it again to look at the images more closely, but that's pretty much it. 20 min and you have to find yourself a new book.
I didn't stay long at Lettieri before getting antsy, so I got up and walked across the street, being careful not to step in the fake snow (made of actual ice and spun cotton), and tried to go to Sonic Boom. Sonic Boom prides itself on being open 365 days a year, but it was CLOSED! A film crew guy outside said they would be closed until Wednesday, so I deduced that they must be filming the interior for the scene when Scott breaks up with Knives. I'm quite the detective.
I stared longingly across the street for a moment more before deciding that it was futile, director Edgar Wright would never notice me, so I went on my way to buy groceries to make samosas (I'll tell you about those later!). On my way back, I walked through the main set and tried to spot some of the actors, but they were all gone. Just film crew people. Bo-oring!

So before I continue rambling, who is this Scott Pilgrim?
I was introduced to this Canadian graphic novel when I visited my friend J in Calgary in the summer of '07. J is a big comic book nerd, and even dragged us along to various comic book stores while we were on a time-limited vacation so he could find the latest issue of whatever it was he was into at the time. I'd never read a graphic novel and the only comics I read were Archie and Calvin and Hobbes. He told me I would really dig this one because it's cute and witty, and he was right! The series is about Scott Pilgrim, a 23 year old boy who lives in Toronto and plays in a band called Sex Bob-Omb, has a 17 year old Chinese girlfriend named Knives Chau, shares a bed with a cool gay roommate, and falls in love with a roller blading Amazon.com courier named Ramona Flowers, who takes a shortcut through his dreams. However, in order to get with Ramona, he must defeat her 7 evil ex-boyfriends in epic battles. How could you not love a story like that? Plus, the artist, Bryan Lee O'Malley, includes detailed sketches of lots of spots all around Toronto including Casa Loma, Sonic Boom, Lee's Palace, and the Bathurst/Bloor intersection.
So when I first came across the character Knives Chau, I said, "That's the perfect part for me! I can do whiny high school Asian kid!

There are 5 books, and I think they are planning to make 6. I have only actually read 2 of them because they are not available at my usual book stores. I know they're available at Pages on Queen Street, so every time I go there I try to pick one up (I guess I've only been there twice since '07)(I just received word that they are also available at Suspect Video on Markham St., so I'm gonna check that out). The problem with graphic novels is that there is so little text, it takes about 10 minutes to finish a book. Then you can read it again to look at the images more closely, but that's pretty much it. 20 min and you have to find yourself a new book.
I stared longingly across the street for a moment more before deciding that it was futile, director Edgar Wright would never notice me, so I went on my way to buy groceries to make samosas (I'll tell you about those later!). On my way back, I walked through the main set and tried to spot some of the actors, but they were all gone. Just film crew people. Bo-oring!
I guess trying to be an actor by hoping directors of already cast movies will notice me when I casually walk by isn't the best of plans.
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