1112 Queen Street West

It seems that the aftermath of the Ossington Blackout party brought this joint way more after- the-bar clientele than they had accounted for. Did you catch the blackout? I arrived post 11pm, only to see that people were spilling out of every bar on Ossington onto the sidewalks and streets. Nice to see so many people milling the streets, but we couldn't get into a bar edge-wise.

Just like the poutine place. I heard one person say that they had been waiting there for an hour. A friend of ours got so fed up, he retracted his order after 20 minutes, demanding his money back. Drunk kids in the line -up started a chorus of "we want poutine!" Another guy was adamant that the line-up is totally contrived- since when does it take a lot of time to dish out fries, gravy and cheese curds? Only would Toronto take a Quebec staple like poutine and turn it into a hip, trendy, in-demand commodity for the 'supa-cool'.
The dish on the dish itself:

- $7 for a bowl of fries- rip off
- the vegetarian boasts real veggie gravy, which is rare
- the fries are hand-cut and pretty tasty, the cheese is decent
- the gravy itself is so salty that when you arrive at the bottom of your bowl it's difficult to finish it
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