I like spending my Gs at Sonic Boom. It's that huge new/used CD/vinyl store on Bloor, just east of Bathurst. It always has elaborate window displays recreating new album covers with amazing prop work, apparently maintained by an artistic employee. All you hear when you walk in, besides your headphones, is the click click click of people shuffling through rows of used CDs. Organized by the day they were brought in, you can really score some great and cheap music, and downstairs they have lots of used records too!
I'm often torn. While I love new music and want to support independent artists, I also love saving money, so I wait until albums appear in the used section so I can spend a fraction of the price. But then the artist doesn't benefit financially from my support. But I suppose I can then tell people about them and increase their fan base. So in the end they should be sending me free music for all the work I do for them.
Anyways, I got some good stuff there last Thursday, all from the used bins:
The Bicycles - The Good the Bad and the Cuddly - $6.95
The Toronto band's 2006 album is happy, adorable, and up beat. Rumour has it they live in the Annex too. Most songs are under 2.5 minutes, and make you want to squish someone's cheeks while running through a sprinkler eating superkid ice cream.
Akron/Family - Meek Warrior - $4.95
I wasn't sure what to expect with this album. I really like their more recently released song River, which is tribal, lyrical, and catchy all at once. This album is older and it starts off a little intense and thumpy, the first track being 9 1/2 min of noise. But then the rest of the album calms down and you can actually listen to the unique instrumentation.
Broken Social Scene - You Forgot It In People - $4.95
The quintessential darling Toronto Indie band; if you like BSS, you have to have this album. It's rich, well written, well played, and sometimes makes you sad. But in a way that feels like it's good for you.
Led Zeppelin - Houses of the Holy - $4.95
Who am I to review Led Zeppelin? The lyrics for D'yer Mak'er are printed in the album book in case you wanted to know how many times Plant says "oh" each line. It's 6. He says oh 6 times. It may sound like 5, but when you think he's stretching it out on the 5th time, he's actually saying it twice more.
The Beatles - Abbey Road - $4.95
They are selling them new at Soundscapes for $16.99. I paid $4.95!! Now I can gaze at the iconic cover whenever I want. And listen to the music, I guess. They're a good band, those Beatles. You should check them out. Tell your friends.
1 comment:
She came in through the bathroom window.
Over the hills and far away.
Cause = Time.
Great picks, E!
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