And, they all know each other! The business-savvy psychic in Little Italy (corner of Shaw and College) knew about the psychic on Cumberland and referred to him as kind of a newbie to the business- ie; not that great. How do I know this, you ask? Well, I went to them both. I've always wanted to go to a psychic. There was a psychic on Bathurst near Bloor, Natasha's psychic, who I passed by every single day for over a year now, but she closed down recently so I've been left to my own devices to seek other psychics down. Thus when it costs $10 to have my tarot cards read on the streets in Yorkville, $12.50 to have my palm read in Little Italy, I give in. Double each of those prices for a full "life reading". You might be curious to know about the content of Mr. $10's readings:
- The same stuff he told the customer beforehand. I know this because I asked her.
- The number of children I'm going to have. (I'm actually going to have kids?)
- That he had holy water from the Vatican and by putting it on the back of my palm and forehead I was going to be protected.
- The age I'm going to live until. Yes, he read my life-line on my palm, and I said that I wanted to know.
The Little Italy psychic told me other interesting tid-bits as well, including the colour of my aura. She told my friend much more information, including the initial and zodiac sign of the love of her life- all from the lines on her palm. Whether or not these psychics can see what is written in the stars for me or not, these incidents have sparked an interest in learning how to read tarot cards, and people's auras, which apparently just take a bit of practice and are not an innate 6th sense. By the end of the summer I'll have both down-pat, so come by Bathurst for a reading.

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