In and around the Annex
Friday, May 1st, 10:45am
, Bathurst Street - Woke up grateful for having the unusual Friday off.
- Committed myself to staying within the neighbourhood today. No TTC. Was only going to do things within a walking distance of 10 minutes from my apartment.
- Decided that it would make a fun fun blog entry. Made a mental note to take camera with me everywhere I went.
11:45 Grabbed stuff for yoga. - Grabbed camera. Realized camera has no
batteries. - Threw camera and yoga stuff in a bag.
- Grabbed bike, zoomed across the street. Debated for 30 seconds whether to patron larger, frequently patroned convenience store, Steven's, or smaller, less congested Olive's Convenience, Variety & Grocery. Decided to patron the 'underdog' today for batteries.
- Put batteries in camera, turned camera on. Camera revealed itself to have no memory card.
- Ran back across the street to apartment, raced up 2 flights of stairs, grabbed memory card. Cursed the fact that even on my day off I found myself rushing and running late for something.
- Shoved memory card in camera. Ran back downstairs.
- Stood across the street from Steven's and Olive's to take the first pic of the day. Felt accomplished
- Biked through pretty Annex streets to yoga class.
12 pm Arrived at Hot Yoga class.
- Got really really really sweaty and wet really really fast.
- Felt grateful that I had found the Kula Yoga studio (304 Brunswick Ave.) and was no longer at Octopus Garden (440 Bloor St. West), which I had previously loved but the regular occurrence of 36 students per class had increasingly been starting to piss me off. Yoga was supposed to be my sanctuary.
- Thought for a second that I should change my religious affiliation on my facebook to "yoga". Then thought people might think I was like one of those lulu lemon yoga heads. Decided against it.
- Listened intently as teacher plugged the 30 day transformation challenge, which was explained as a commitment to 24 yoga classes in 30 days (for a price of course), and wished that I was that disciplined, or had that much time on my hands.
- Decided, though, that if I ever quit my job I would volunteer at Kula to clean bathrooms and run reception in exchange for free classes all day and everyday. Felt that by thinking about doing yoga everyday, I was already on my way to being hard core yogi and sat there smugly.

1 pm Left yoga feeling amazing and in need of a shower.
- Got groceries from Bloor Superfresh (384 Bloor St. West): tomatoes, spinach and crackers.
- Remembered that I wanted to buy a copy of Shantaram, my interest re-ignited by friend from time in Bangladesh. Walked purposefully to discount bookstore BMV to find it, upon friend's suggestion. Got frustrated with the lack of staff at BMV and the fact that they couldn't locate the book or tell me if it was even in stock. Walked over to Book City (501 Bloor St. West) and begrudgingly bought it for the store price of $16.95, with two co
pies of Spacing magazine. - Decided that I needed my coffee for the day and walked my bike over to Aroma Espresso bar (500 Bloor St. West) because I liked their coffee, their healthy salads and sandwiches, and generally think that they're a better alternative to chains like Starbucks. Remembered though that I hated the service at Aroma, and cringe every time they mispronounce my name over the loudspeaker when my order is ready (they do it every time).
- Chose to stay there because I really wanted to sit on their patio in the sun with a large Americano and start writing this blog entry.
- On the patio overheard a conversation between young girl who was on a gluten free diet and went to In
dia to get yoga certificate. Wondered if Indian yoga certification was recognized in Canada. If so, wondered if any Indian yoga teachers came to Canada to teach yoga.
- Overheard that the gluten-free diet girl worked at Lulu Lemon so concluded that she must have received teacher training that was 'internationally recognized'. Decided India yoga certification was a great way to spend time traveling in India.
- Finished my coffee.

- Rode my bike back home, parked it in front of BlueBird Handmade (986 Bathurst St.), the new knitting and stitching storefront. Wanted to go in and check out class prices, and find out if their Stitch N Bitch Thursday nights would teach me how to knit. Disappointed that they were in fact closed. Wondered if I attended Stitch N Bitch who my other stitchers and bitchers would be: yuppie Annex stay-at-home moms? Or younger students? Or a mix? Only Women?
- Took a moment to reflect on the Sewing Club residents started in a little hood' in Scarborough (my neighbourhood of 9 to 5). Decided that it was a super cool project. Wished that there was a free, resident-led sewing club in the Annex. Wished I wasn't so busy at work so I could actually take advantage of the sewing club in Scarborough. Decided if I ever quit my job, I would start a sewing club of sorts.

- Needed a plant for a cousin's bridal shower for Saturday evening. Debated again between Olive's or Stevens. Went with Stevens because found gorgeous Bougainvillea plant and decided it was meaningful because it was reminiscent of flaura in Pakistan. Decided cousin and fiance would be happy with this pretty plant in their new King Street West townhouse.
3pm Came home happy to still have some quiet downtime alone at home.
- Made healthy lunch with pita, veggie burgers and newly purchased spinach and tomatoes.
- Listened to CBC's The Point and cringed as they discussed 'settling' in relationships vs. waiting for romance and passion. Decided in the end that I shouldn't judge people for 'settling' because maybe marriage and children are most peoples' life goals, and therefore rightfully take priority over chemistry and romance.
- Decided that there's no way I'm going to get Swine Flu, irregardless of WHO alerts.
- Reflected on the latest butgooddifferent blog entry and decided I needed to give baking a chance even though I despise following instructions for food. Reminded myself to ask E if I could follow a
recipe with her supervision so that I would not get lazy and not follow instructions. Felt lucky to have such a good baked-goods connoisseur as a roommate. Made a mental affirmation that E was a great co-blogger. Felt relieved to have this blog with someone else. Realized I was getting a little "emo".
- Looked up ice breakers for tomorrow's Jane's Walk that my 9 to 5 project was doing. Couldn't pick an ice breaker for 50-plus people.
- Took one more look at the Bougainvillea plant and decided that it needed a pretty pot to be a more substantial gift.
- Showered and changed. Finally.
5 pm met friend from Montreal for a 5 a 7 at Insomnia (563 Bloor St. West).
- Treated her to a Bailey's martini while I drank a sweet but weak Mojito.
- Came home, made warm vodka tonics with lime in them with E. Finally chose two ice breakers for my project's Jane's Walk, with help from E & R. Felt relieved. Thank goodness for roomies.
9pm went out for dinner with second friend from Montreal.
- Ate at New Generation Sushi (493 Bloor St. West). Had emailed friend earlier saying that they gave Sushi on Bloor a run for their money. Was disappointed with all the dishes that night apart from the Dragon Roll and apologized for my mistake. Drank a lot of Sake.
11pm Met others and walked across the street to Lee's Palace (529 Bloor St. West) to see Lady Sovereign.- Noted and discussed with friends her young age, wasted demeanor, and sexual and lewd actions on stage. Amused that we were social work nerds. Decided that her music is still super fun and that she is talented, but perhaps sounds better recorded than live. Made a mental note to read up on her habits.
12:50 am Left Lee's Palace
Wanted to continue partying. Decided, upon better judgment, to step into the Annex Wreckroom (794 Bathurst St.) Unimpressed with $5 cover at 1:15 am, decided against it. - Walked home, pointed out Trane Studio to friend from Montreal.
1:30am Set alarm for 8:30 am feeling thankful that I didn't have a 9 am start the next day- Went to bed with usual sleeping aids of ear plugs and eye mask, hoping to feel decent for the big day in Scarborough tomorrow after a day in the Annex.
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